Het is weer zo ver!! Op dinsdag 29 december om 19u30 houden we ons enige, echte Oliebollentoernooi !!
Om het jaar extra feestelijk af te sluiten, bieden we jullie gratis oliebollen, fantastische prijzen, eeuwige roem èn 2 consumpties (incl. glaasje met bubbels) aan!!
Er zullen verschillende poules worden ingedeeld naargelang de sterkte van de speler. Ook kandidaat-leden zijn welkom, net zoals leden van bevriende verenigingen. Deelname kost €5 per persoon en aanmelden kan bij de penningmeester van TTV Pingwins (penningmeester@pingwins.nl).
Wij rekenen op jullie aanwezigheid, dus tot dan !!
Here we are again! On Tuesday December 29 at 7:30 pm we will organize our one and only “Deep Fried Dough Ball” Tournament !!
To end the year in festive style, we offer you free dough balls, phantastic prizes, eternal prestige and 2 consumptions (incl. glass of cava)!!
We will organize several pools according to the estimated strength of each player. Also candidate-members are welcome as are members from befriended clubs. Participation costs €5 per person. Subscribe by sending an email to the Treasurer of TTV Pingwins (penningmeester@ pingwins.nl).
To end the year in festive style, we offer you free dough balls, phantastic prizes, eternal prestige and 2 consumptions (incl. glass of cava)!!
We will organize several pools according to the estimated strength of each player. Also candidate-members are welcome as are members from befriended clubs. Participation costs €5 per person. Subscribe by sending an email to the Treasurer of TTV Pingwins (penningmeester@